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Anti-Bullying Week 2022 - November 14th to 18th

The theme for this years' Anti-Bullying week at Miles Coverdale was 'Reach Out'. All week long the children developed their ideas on how to reach out together to stop bullying. They took part in a range of workshops and worked with Konflux Theatre Company and LBHF MIND to explore this theme. Children also took part in a competition to promote 'Reach Out' and the winner is below.


Anti-Bullying Week 2021 - November 15th to 19th

The focus of Anti-bullying week at Miles Coverdale in 2021 was 'One Kind Word'. Children across the school took part in a range of workshops to help develop their skills in anti-bullying and had a whole school assembly that focused on identifying bullying and focusing on the theme of 'One Kind Word'. Children also took part in a whole school competition to write an acrostic poem, choosing a kind word as the basis for their competition entry. There were three winners across the school, taken from Phase 1 (Nursery, Reception and Class E), Phase 2 (Year 1, Year 2, Class P and Year 3) and Phase 3 (Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6). You can see the winning entries below. 

Share by Zayd - Reception Class


Polite by Shae - Class P


Respect by Kamari - Year 4


Anti-Bullying Week 2019

November 11th to November 15th 2019 was Miles Coverdale anti-bullying week. The theme for this year's week was 'Change Starts With Us'.

All children took part in a range of lessons and activities including Year 5's 'Play in a Day' performance and a whole school competition to create a poster around the theme of Change Starts With Us. All the entries were really fantastic and you can see the winning ones below. These will be on display in the school. 

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