Ethos & Values

We want every child to fulfil their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.
High expectations and a broad view of supporting children are common features of Miles Coverdale Primary. We contribute to the children’s wider well-being through:
- helping each pupil achieve the highest educational standards they possibly can;
- dealing with bullying and discrimination and keeping children safe;
- becoming a Healthy School and promoting healthy lifestyles through Personal, Social and Health Education lessons, drugs education, breakfast club and sporting activities;
- providing a wide range of extended services including a breakfast club, after school play centre and a wide range of extra curricular clubs;
- ensuring attendance, encouraging pupils to behave responsibly, giving them a strong voice in the life of the school and encouraging them to volunteer to help others;
- helping the community to value education and be aware that it is the way to promoting economic success;
- engaging and helping parents in actively supporting their children’s learning and development through a variety of parents’ classes and workshops.
School Ethos
We value each child as an individual.
We aim to bring the best out of each child's potential.
We are a caring and friendly learning community aiming to be outstanding in whatever we do.
Our Aims
We aim to:
- Create an atmosphere that is caring and welcoming to all pupils, parents and other members of the community and a sense of excitement and enjoyment in learning.
- Offer a curriculum, which will encourage academic, aesthetic, physical, social and emotional and spiritual development, ensuring that the children are given the opportunity to acquire basic skills essential for further learning.
- Encourage pupils to take pride in their work, aim for the highest possible standards and derive satisfaction for their own achievements and achievements of others.
- Help pupils develop self-control, co-operation, perseverance and a toleration of ideas and values different from their own.
- Encourage all pupils to behave with courtesy, care and respect both towards one another and to all adults.
Improving outcomes for children
Pupil performance and well-being go hand in hand. Every Child Matters at Miles Coverdale Primary where we strongly practise the principle of personalisation to raise educational standards by:
- offering a range of extended services that help pupils engage and achieve, and building stronger relationships with parents and the wider community;
- supporting closer working between the school and specialist services so that children with additional needs can be identified earlier and supported effectively.