About our Governors
The Miles Coverdale Primary School Governing Body adopted its Instrument of Government in October 2014 following a review. It now comprises of 9 governors made up of:-
1 Headteacher (ex-officio)
1 local authority governor (nominated by the Local Authority, appointed by the governing body)
1 staff governor (elected by the staff)
4 co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body)
2 parent governors (elected by the parents)
The governing body may choose to appoint associate members from time-to-time to support the governing body. Associate Members attend meetings and contribute but they have no voting rights. Click on the document below to view information about our governors.
Governors meet at least termly, and additional committees meet termly to feed back information to the main governing body. There are two committees; Resources Committee which focuses on Finance & Personnel and the Safeguarding Committee which focuses on safeguarding and health and safety. The Headteacher, by virtue, is a member of both committees. The Head of School Business sits on both committees as an advisor. Each committee has its own terms of reference.