How To Stay Positive In Difficult Times



NSPCC & Childline
As a charity, our helpline services will remain open for children on 0800 1111, and for adults concerned about a child on 0808 800 5000.
To assist you further in helping the children to stay calm and informed during this period, the Childline website is our best resource and for your age of children this is the link to use:
There are also games to build esteem and to help take their mind off their worries. They are lots of fun and can be found here:
If everything is getting too much, they can do some calming yoga with us here:
In the meantime, when online resources are holding the country together we want to help keep children safe so here is a link to share with parents to our net aware resources. Visit or our free helpline for parents on 0808 800 5002.
British Red Cross - quick activities to help develop kindness during these uncertain times
Things may feel unsettled right now, but one thing is clear: small acts of kindness can make a difference. There has certainly been an outpouring of kindness across the country and children can play their role too.
Use our kindness calendar to help children learn about the importance of being kind to themselves and encourage them to share their kindness with others. They can record daily acts of kindness and review all they have achieved at the end of each week. There are 10 activities to accompany the calendar and children and facilitators can also add their own.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
write or draw what kindness means to them
check in on neighbours in a safe way – perhaps, put a note through their door
call or write to a relative
draw a rainbow and put it in your window to show hope
write down three things they are grateful for
do something helpful for a friend or family member – help lay the table or could they keep their bedroom tidy?
stay at home - by following this advice you are being kind to others in the community and helping to save lives.
As this week marks the start of a new month, it’s the perfect time to download the kindness calendar and encourage parents to share kind acts on social media using #PowerofKindness
We also have a wide range of other free resources on our website to help build resilience which you can explore here.