Summary Areas for Development
- Continue to build on the improvements in standards of attainment and progress through the National Curriculum.
- Whole School approach to teaching phonics and reading.
- Continue improvements in attainment standards in writing.
- Sustain improvements in attainment standards in Maths-consistent approach to using & applying maths.
- Embed Personalised learning-SEN, EAL and G&T, intervention programmes.
- Assessment for Learning –embed use of peer assessments, use of feedback to improve pupil performance, use of targets.
- Assessment analysis by LMT and governors.
- Higher profile of Foundation Subjects and improved delivery of the FS curriculum- focus on assessment.
- National Support School designation: commissioned school improvement work at local, national and international levels.
- Higher awareness fro staff regarding Health and Safety of the School in relation to documents, Healthy School Status and Safeguarding procedures, training.
- School Evaluation - all members of the staff to evaluate standards in their areas of responsibility.
- Outstanding governance.
- Embed the creative, PSED and sporting curriculum.
- Continue positive links with parents & community- implement findings of surveys and the PSA Agenda, School’s prospectus and website, involvement of parents in school- family learning, parents’ classes, work experience, volunteers, workshops using staff and outside agencies.
- Improved School Environment