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Miles Coverdale SEND Information Report 2023-2024

Next review date: September 2024

Parents / Carer's Questions and Answers

  • Who are the best people to talk to at Miles Coverdale Primary School about my child's special educational needs, disability or difficulties with learning?
    • Talk to your child's class teacher about your concerns
    • It is likely that class teacher will have discussed your concerns with Nicholas Reed, the school mainstream SENDCo/Inclusion Manager or Ornela Duka, the Teacher in Charge of the Unit. You may wish to arrange a meeting with Nicholas or Ornela. 
    • If you continue to have concerns arrange to discuss these with Tara Baig, the Head Teacher. 
  • How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child's learning, special educational needs or disability?
    • Your child's class teacher may initially speak to you at the beginning or end of a normal school day and arrange a further time to discuss the concerns. 
    • The class teacher may also talk to you about any issues at a parent/teacher consultation meeting. 
    • The SENDCo or Teacher or Charge may contact you and arrange a meeting to discuss your child's difficulties with learning and any possible support strategies the school may be considering. 
  • How will the school consider my views and those of my child with regard to his/her difficulties with learning, special educational needs or disability?
    • At Miles Coverdale Primary School we believe it is very important for parents/carers to be involved in all areas of their child's learning and we actively encourage discussions. We believe, where appropriate, that it is essential to understand your child's views on any difficulties they may experience with their learning. 
    • You will be able to share your views and discuss your child's progress at regular meetings with the class teacher and others. 
    • If your child has an identified special education need or disability, you will be invited to a termly class teacher meeting with the class teacher to discuss current progress, support strategies being used and expected outcomes. 
    • If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) you are your child will be able to share your views at the Annual Review
  • How does Miles Coverdale Primary School ensure the teaching staff are appropriately trained to support my child's special educational needs and/or disability?
    • At Miles Coverdale Primary School we believe that your child's learning needs will first be met through the high quality teaching delivered by her/his class teacher. 
    • We regularly review the school training schedule and professional development for all teaching and support staff to ensure there is appropriate expertise to support children with special educational needs. 
    • The school is able to access training programmes from different organisations including The Lilla Huset professional centre in Hammersmith. 
    • Individual training is also arranged when necessary. 
  • How will the curriculum and the school environment be matched to meet my child's needs?
    • At Miles Coverdale Primary School we believe that your child's learning needs will first be met through the high quality teaching delivered by her/his class teacher. 
    • We carefully plan our curriculum to match the age, ability and needs of all children. 
    • The class teacher will adapt lesson planning and teaching to match your child's special educational needs and/or disability. 
    • It may be appropriate to adopt different strategies or resources and adapt outcomes to meet your child's learning needs. 
    • Additional specialist advice is sought when appropriate and, when necessary. 
    • Accessibility aids and technology may be used to support your child's learning. 
    • Miles Coverdale Primary School regularly reviews its Accessibility Plan to ensure that all children have the fullest access to the curriculum and the school site as possible. 
  • What types of support may be suitable and available for my child?
    • The specific type of support suitable available to your child depends upon the nature of their needs and difficulties with learning. But our education provisions will match the needs of the four broad areas of need as defined in the SEND Code of Practice 2014;
    • Communication and interaction
    • Cognition and learning
    • Social, emotional and mental health
    • Sensory and/or physical needs
    • At Miles Coverdale Primary School we have a three tiered approach to supporting a child’s learning.
    • Tier 1: Universal – this is the quality first teaching your child will receive from her/his class teacher and may include some adaptations to match learning needs.
    • Tier 2: Targeted - it may be appropriate to consider making additional short term special educational provision to remove or reduce any obstacles to your child’s learning. This takes the form of a graduated four part approach a) Assessing your child’s needs through looking closely at specific targets for your child and establish goal with any additional adults working with your child b) Planning the most effective and appropriate intervention c) Providing intervention. This intervention may be run outside the classroom, individually or in small group’s sessions. You will be kept informed of your child’s progress towards learning outcomes. Specific targeted one to one or small group interventions may be run outside the classroom. We strive to provide an appropriate learning space for all children. D) Reviewing the impact on your child’s progress towards individual learning outcomes.
    • Tier 3: Specialist – it may be necessary to seek specialist advice and regular long term support from a specialist professional outside the school in order to plan for the best possible learning outcomes for your child. This may include educational psychology (EP), speech and language therapy (SALT), occupational therapy (OT), sensory advisory teachers , behaviour specialists and the child development service (CHEYNE). The school may need to prioritise referrals to these services. However, for a very small number of pupils access to these specialists may be through an EHC Plan.
  • How will you support my child to reach his/her learning outcomes?
    • The class teacher and other staff working with your will child ensure that your child receives appropriate teaching and support in order to reach these goals. The learning plan, a Termly One Page Profile, strategies and progress will be reviewed termly.
    • External agencies and specialists may also review your child’s progress and adapt their planning accordingly. 
  • What is an EHC Plan and who can request one for my child?

    The purpose of an EHC Plan is to make special education provision to meet the special educational needs of a child or young person, to secure improved outcomes for him/her across education, health and social care and, as he/her gets older, prepare for adulthood.
    An EHC Plan will contain;

    • The views and aspirations of you and your child
    • A full description of his/her special educational needs and any health and social care needs,
    • Outcomes for your child’s progress
    • The provision required and how education, health and social care will work together to meet your child’s needs and support the achievement of the agreed outcomes
    • You, your child (where appropriate and aged 16 and over) and/or the school (Usually the SENDCo or Teacher in Charge) can request that the local authority conduct an assessment of your child’s needs. This may lead to an EHC Plan.
  • How will you help me to support my child's learning?
    • There may be suggested strategies or activities for you to do at home to support your child’s learning.
    • We run regular parent/carer workshops to help you understand the strategies used. In addition, we may be able to offer you individual training in specific support strategies relevant to your child or signpost you to relevant providers. 
    • The SENDCo or Teacher in Charge may also support you with strategies, resources and ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home.
    • You may have an opportunity to meet with other professionals involved in supporting your child.
  • How is support allocated and how do they move between the different levels of support in school?
    • Miles Coverdale Primary School receives funding from the local authority. These funds include money to support the learning of children with SEN and/or disabilities.
    • The Head teacher, in consultation with the School Governing Body, decides the budget for SEND provision on the basis of the needs of the children in the school.
    • The Head Teacher, SENDCo and Teacher in Charge discuss the effectiveness of the school’s current interventions and provisions and prioritise an action plan, which may include additional or alternative interventions, staff training and equipment needs.
    • This process is reviewed regularly to ensure the best possible intervention is provided to those children who require additional support to learn.
  • How will the school know that the support has made a difference to my child's learning and how can I and my child be included in this review process?
    • Your child’s progress will be assessed both in terms of his/her regular learning within the class and with regard to specific intervention programmes.
    • The impact of the support given is carefully measured to ensure that the learning outcomes have been achieved and if not, what adaptations are necessary. It may be decided that a further period of support would be beneficial for your child.
    • You and your child will be kept informed and are encouraged to be actively involved at all stages of this support.
  • What support will there be for my child's happiness and well-being at Miles Coverdale Primary School?
    • At Miles Coverdale Primary School, we believe that the happiness and well-being of all our pupils is paramount. All members of staff take this aspect of school life very seriously.
    • You can be confident that in particular your child’s class teacher, the teaching assistants, the SENDCo and the Teacher in Charge are available to provide support to match your child’s needs.
    • You should feel free to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns.
    • Class teachers teach PSHE and use regular circle times to support pupil’s social and emotional development
    • We have strong links with our Educational Psychologist, Dr Hannah Lichwa who provides support to staff and children
    • We have a link Mental Health Practitioner who works on site for 1 day per week
    • We have an Integrated Arts Therapist who works on site for 2 days per week
    • Aspects of the school values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education run through our core subjects and our foundation subjects, as well as in our assemblies, displays, after school clubs and enrichment opportunities so it is truly part of the ethos of the schools.
  • How is my child included in all the same activities as his/her peers at school?
    • Miles Coverdale Primary School is an inclusive schools and believes in the equality of opportunities for all children.
    • Inclusion at Miles Coverdale means:
      - equality of opportunities for all children
      - rights of all children in line with the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Children’s Act 1989
      - carefully considered planning and appropriate adjustments to teaching and learning
      - ensuring a holistic approach to each child including the development of their social and emotional wellbeing
      - an ethos underpinned by comprehensive policies
      - working collaboratively with outside agencies
    • School clubs, educational visits and residential trips are available to all children where possible
    • When necessary the school will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with SEND and/or disabilities are included in all activities.
    • You should also feel free to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns.
  • How will Miles Coverdale Primary School support my child in transition stages?
    • We liaise closely with the school or nursery your child is transferring from. We are able to discuss with the relevant teachers any individual needs and how best to support your child in school.
    • While at Miles Coverdale Primary School we take care to ensure that during transition points (between classes each year and at the end of Key Stages) all staff are aware of individual pupils needs, learning progress and best support strategies.
    • We makes arrangements to ensure there is a smooth transition when your child transfers to his/her secondary school of choice. Please contact us for further details.
    • If your child has an EHC Plan, we will participate and/or facilitate its review in sufficient time prior to him/her moving between key phases of education. You will be kept informed of these arrangements and asked to attend the reviews.
  • If I have any other questions about my child at Miles Coverdale Primary School, who can I ask?

    At Miles Coverdale Primary School we are very happy to speak to you about any aspects of your child's education. It is best to speak to one of the following in this order; 

    • The Class Teacher
    • The SENDCo/Inclusion Manager (Mainstream children)
    • The Teacher in Charge (Resource Base children)
    • The Head Teacher

Parents' Guide to Miles Coverdale Primary School Provision Map table

Provision Map Flow Chart

Hammersmith and Fulham Local Offer

Please follow this link to find the Hammersmith and Fulham Local Offer website.

Miles Coverdale Primary School SEND Provision Map 2023-2024

Intervention or Provision Frequency & Duration Anticipated Outcome Staff Staff/Pupil ratio Approximate cost per programme
Number recognition 10 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £810 pa
Phonics - reading & writing 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:5 £81 pa
Phonics - blending & segmenting 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £5,238 pa
Writing - simple CVC sentences 15 mins Accelerated progress SENDCo 1:5 £648 pa
Additional 1:1 support 2 hours Accelerated progress LSA 1:2 £12,255 pa
Integrated Arts Therapy 1 hour SEMH support IA Therapist 1:1 £27,240 pa
Finger Gym 30 mins Accelerated Progress LSA 1:5 £810 pa
Homework Club 1 hour Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:6 £5,184 pa
Maths Challenge Cards 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £1,080 pa
Number & shape games 10 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £270 pa
Vocabulary box 5 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £860 pa
1:1 reading 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £17,145 pa
Debating club 1 hour C & I progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:6 £432 pa
ELSA 30 mins SEMH support ELSA 1:1 £972 pa
Fortnite - picture writing 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:6 £648 pa
Get Epic 40 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:5 £972 pa
Targeted Spelling 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:5 £4,374 pa
Additional guided numeracy 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:3 £3,240 pa
Extension focus group 1 hour Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:13 £2,592 pa
Guided writing 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £1,296 pa
Speech and Language Therapy Activities 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £3,036 pa
Grammar support 10 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:5 £2,796 pa
Extension Class 2 hours Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:28 £11,064 pa
Handwriting 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:3 £1,620 pa
Learning Consolidation (revision of 4 operations) 45 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £3,240 pa
PHSE - Online safety 1:1 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £864 pa
Reflection 30 mins SEMH support LSA / Class Teacher 1:8 £1,215 pa
Sentence development 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £1,728 pa
Times table strategies 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:9 £1,296 pa
Rapid Reading 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:4 £729 pa
Counting objects 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £864 pa
Drawing shapes / lines / letters 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £1,296 pa
Early Talk Boost All day Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher  1:9 £864 pa
Malleable activities 50 mins Accelerated progress SENDCo 1:6 £432 pa
Stories 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £864 pa
Counting skills to 10 30 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £1,296 pa
Fine motor skills group 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £1,296 pa
Letter sound practice 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:2 £486 pa
NELI 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:6 £972 pa
Problem solving - Maths 15 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £1,296 pa
Social stories 10 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:1 £405 pa
Turn Taking 20 mins Accelerated progress LSA / Class Teacher 1:4 £648 pa
Total £124,634 pa


Each Class Teacher creates an intervention plan for their class. This intervention plan covers all the interventions taking place for children in their class. For more information please speak to your child's teacher. 

Roles and Responsibilities at Miles Coverdale Primary School

  • Head Teacher
    • To lead and manage the school, within an agreed strategic framework, to ensure that it is effective, self-managing, self-evaluating and self-improving, and with high achieving pupils and staff
    • Ensures that all pupils, including those with SEND or additional needs, receive their full educational entitlement and have access to the whole curriculum
    • Is responsible for the dissemination of budget to SENDCo / Teacher in Charge
    • Reviews SEND budget with SENDCo / Teacher in Charge
    • Implements Teaching Assistant support
    • Ensures Annual Reviews take place
    • Informs governors of SEND issues on a regular basis
    • Ensures SEND and Inclusion policy is in place
    • Ensures training needs of SENDCo / Teacher in Charge and support staff are met
    • Works with the SENDCo / Teacher in Charge and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to resonable adjustments and access arrangements
  • SENDCo / Inclusion Manager / Teacher in Charge
    • Ensures that all pupils, including those with SEND or additional needs, receive their full educational entitlement and have access to the whole curriculum
    • Leads continuing professional development for all staff and governors
    • Develops, plans, manages and evaluates interventions and develops alternative teaching strategies and individual programmes where necessary
    • Has a strategic overview of SEND and inclusion throughout the schoool
    • Advises and supports other members of staff
    • Has responsibility for the school's SEND and Inclusion policy - its development, maintenance and evaluation
    • Ensures that the school's policy is consistently applied throughout the school
    • Manages the budget and resources, including the Pupil Premium
    • Prepares and manages statutory assessment paperwork
    • Organises, attends and co-ordinates annual reviews and other review meetings
    • Meets with parents and carers
    • Liaises with early years providers, other schools, educational psychologists, health and social care professionals, and independent or voluntary bodies
    • Is a key point of contact with external agencies, especially the LA and LA support services
    • Liaises with potential next providers of education to ensure a young person and their parents are informed about options and a smooth transition is planned
    • Works with the Head Teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act (2010) with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
    • Works with pupils, parents, class teachers, learning support assistants and core subject leaders to set suitable targets for children with SEND
    • Manages any special arrangements for pupils during the end of key stage tests and external examinations
    • Assists teachers in the identification of children with SEND, advising them on appropriate strategies
  • Class Teacher
    • Plans and delivers quality first teaching in partnership with the learning support assistants and teaching assistants working the class in order to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND or additional needs, receive their full educational entitlement and have access to the whole curriculum
    • Adapts teaching approaches to reflect the range of needs within the class
    • Follows the school's SEND policy
    • In partnership with the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge and outside agencies, meets with paretns and carers of children with SEND regularly
    • Discusses progress, reviews targets and develops a new learning plan in partnership with the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, parents, carers and children
    • Delivers interventions in partnership with the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist and/or other outside agencies
    • Monitors pupil progress with regards to intervention outcomes and makes adjustments if necessary
  • Learning Support Assistants / Teaching Assistants
    • Provides learning support for the pupil in class or in withdrawal situations, either 1:1 or small groups
    • Develops knowledge of the particular needs of the child and seeks advice from the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, class teacher and outside agencies as required
    • Aids access to the full range of learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom and provides modified materials as required e.g. worksheets, games, visuals etc. 
    • Makes or modifies resources as suggested and advised by the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, Educational Psychologist or other outside agencies
    • Is involved in the planning and preparation of the day to day class activities
    • Is aware of the school's SEND Policy
    • Provides regular feedback to the class teacher, SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge and relevant outside agencies about the pupil's difficulties and progress
    • Contributes to the annual review
  • Educational Psychologist
    • Works closely with children who have a range of special educational needs
    • Liaises, advises and supports the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, teaching staff, support staff and parents
    • Contributes to multi-disciplinary meetings with educational, social care and other health staff when needed
    • Works alongside teaching staff and support staff in the classroom to model appropriate teaching strategies
    • Assesses children using observation, interveiws and test materials and then provides a wide range of interventions
  • Speech and Language Therapist
    • Works closely with children who have speech, language and communication needs and with those who have swallowing, drinking or eating difficulties
    • Liaises, advises and supports the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, teaching staff, support staff and parents
    • Creates support programmes and resources for children with speech, language and communication difficulties
    • Contributes to multi-disciplinary meetings with education, social care and other health staff
    • Works alongside teaching staff and support staff in the classroom to model appropriate teaching strategies
    • Assesses children using observation, interviews and test materials and then provide a wide range of appropriate interventions
  • Occupational Therapist
    • Works closely with children who have difficulties with the practical and social skills necessary for their everyday life
    • Aims to enable the child to be as physically, psychologically and socially independent as possible
    • Liaises, advises and supports the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, teaching staff, support staff and parents
    • Contributes to multi-disciplinary meetings with education, social care and other health staff
    • Works alongside teaching staff and support staff in the classroom to model appropriate teaching strategies
    • Assesses children and provides appropriate accommodations or interventions designed to enhance the student's potential for learning
  • Advisory Teachers

    The school works with a range of advisory teachers with different specialist areas including:

    • Autism
    • Speech and Language
    • Visual Impairment
    • Hearing Impairment
    • Social and Emotional Development
    • Behaviour
    • They liaise with, advise and support the SENDCo / Inclusion manager / Teacher in Charge, teaching staff, support staff and parents
    • They contributes to multi-disciplinary meetings with education, social care and other health staff
    • They work alongside teaching staff and support staff in the classroom to model appropriate teaching strategies
  • Important Links
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