Our Successes
- The school has a strong identity and ethos. School staff share a commitment to serving the community - expressed and implemented through our Mission Statement.
- We are an inclusive school. We strive through our policies, practices and procedures to remove barriers to learning, to raise achievement.
- Our Resource Base is an integral part of the school and an asset in terms of provision for pupils with language impairment.
- We received the Evening Standard and Jack Petchey Foundation Award for 'Outstanding Academic Achievement (2018).
- We are a DfE designated National Support School supporting schools locally, nationally and internationally.
- We have been contributors to policymaking research documents such as the HMI: Bold Beginnings (Early Years education) and the DfE's research report: School cultures and practices: supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils-A qualitative comparison of London and non-London schools
- The Creative Curriculum and whole school events are vibrant and there are many cross-curricular links across a broad curriculum base. Pupils experience exciting visits and events such as Royal Opera House; Royal Academy of Arts; Lyric Theatre; Recycling Event; Black History; Christmas Concert and Fete; Book Week; Chance to Dance; Fashion projects; Health Week and International Day to name a few. Pupils have had a wide range of workshops for music, dance, drumming, drama, art, sports, history, storytelling, maths magician etc. Our local police have worked with the children on ‘police lessons.’ The younger children have regular Road Safety shows.
- We work closely with the immediate and wider community on these projects. There has been a much greater involvement of the parents working with the children e.g. healthy cookery classes with their child.
Pupils have worked with the Urban Studies Centre on environmental issues and the Travel Plan. We are a Leading School for developing a climate change curriculum achieving awards and many of the staff are United Nations Climate Change accredited teachers and support staff.
Our children are regular features in the local and national press and they have appeared on several programmes such as:
BBC's One Show, Blue Peter, KerrWhizz and The Ministry of Curiosity
ITV's This Morning- singing a Christmas Carol
Sky News- Chess in Schools
Focus Weeks include:
- Black History
- Maths Week
- Book Week & World Book Day
- Anti-Bullying Week
- Healthy Living Week
- Art Week
- Science Week
- Climate Change Week
Additional Community events include:
- International Feast
- Jeans for Genes Day fundraising
- Action Aid fundraising
- Whole School Shared Writing
- 'Take One Picture' with the National Gallery
- Choir performances
- Inter-school sports tournaments
- ESOL classes for adults
- Weekly parents' coffee mornings and workshops
- Christmas Fete
- Summer Fete
All pupils have access to a very wide range of physical activities where all children do far more than 2 hours of physical activities weekly. We have achieved the ACTIVEMARK award for exceptional delivery within the PE and Sport Strategy. We work closely with Queens Park Rangers for athletics, football tournaments and other sporting activities. Our pupils participate in swimming lessons at Phoenix Pool.
- We have the Active Mark, Healthy Schools and FMSiS awards.
- The children have access to a wide range of extended services: Breakfast Club, After School Play Centre and many exciting extra-curricular clubs.
- Building projects and specialist rooms include a Food Technology Room, a large ICT suite, a well resourced and stimulating library and Reading Room, The Qube training centre and KS1 and KS2 playgrounds with great playground equipment.
Summary of Strengths:
Ethos and vision: strong self-belief and aspirations in achievement for all children, regardless of backgrounds. Every child stretched to do their best. Celebrating the diverse backgrounds of all children, parents, staff and governors.
Children acquire skills and understanding that serve them well for the future. Progress is high with excellent teaching and personalised learning, showing that children stay engaged in learning and develop their talents. Gaps in achievement between groups of children are narrowed.
A highly positive learning and safe environment of outstanding behaviour that develops their wider personal skills and attitudes to succeed and make a positive contribution to society (confidence, self-respect, leadership, citizenship, relationship skills) while enjoying a fulfilling and healthy childhood.
Providing an outstanding and enjoyable range of activities, opportunities and extended services to enrich the lives of the children, families and wider community and promote the development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of their lives.
Working alongside outside agencies, identifying and helping to address additional needs: early intervention and targeted support, parental engagement working with parents to prevent problems.
Effective and extensive involvement of parents, governors, childcare providers and wider children’s services to support improvements in outcomes. Surveys indicate very high levels of parental and pupil satisfaction.
Continuously learning community - high level of investment in professional development for staff and performance management. Providing adult learning provision for the parents and the wider community. Sharing our practices with colleagues outside MCPS ensuring greater collective responsibility. Providing placements for work experience, teacher training and volunteering.