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School Meals

Although all children in London primary schools now receive free meals, it is really important that parents who are entitled to claim free meals does so.  The school receives additional funding for each free school meal child.  If you don't claim, we don't get the much-needed funding.  If you believe you are entitled to free school meals visit https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/benefits/student-benefits-and-grants to make an application.

Ordering Meals

Meals must be ordered, in advance, by the parents and is done through The Pantry website.  This means that the child will always get their choice of meal and the parents know exactly what their child is eating in school.  If a parent doesn't sign up for the online system and/or does not order a meal, their child will receive a jacket potato.

You can view the menu for spring and summer terms below.  If you need to contact The Pantry about your child you can call them on 020 8813 7040.


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