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2023-2024 Attendance

  • Overall attendance in 2023-2024 was 94.1%; an improvement of more than 1% on the last academic year
  • Early data shows we are above national averages
  • The class with the best overall attendance for the year is Year 3 who achieved 97%
  • 8% of absences were due to parents taking their children out of school in term-time for a holiday which is not allowed
  • 10% of absences were not authorised
  • Unity House had the most wins for highest attendance throughout the year
  • Three children came to school every day throughout the year and were not late at all - well done to them.


Year 1 91.5%
Year 2 93.2%
Year 3 97% smileyyes
Year 4 96.6%
Year 5 95.3%
Year 6 96.1%
Resource Base 94.1%
Reception 74.5%  sadno
House Equality 95%


Spring Term 2024

Class Attendance
Year 1 91.6%
Year 2 95.5%
Year 3  97.5% smileyyes
Year 4  96.5%
Year 5 95.7%
Year 6 95.1%
Reception 92.7%
Whole School 95%
Statutory  95.2%
House Liberty 95.6%

Summer Term 2023/4

Class Attendance
Year 1 91.1%
Year 2 91.1%   
Year 3 93.9%
Year 4 91.9%
Year 5 94.6%  smileyyes
Year 6 94.4%
Reception 78.5%
Whole School 90.8%
Statutory 92.6%



Class Attendance
Year 1 91.4%
Year 2 93.1%   
Year 3 95.9%
Year 4 94.9%
Year 5 95.2%
Year 6 95.3%
Reception 78%
Whole School 93.6%
Statutory 94.1%


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