Attendance Matters at Miles Coverdale
From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts
Attendance & punctuality at our school
Attendance and punctuality is a key focus at Miles Coverdale. We know how important it is for children to be at school regularly and on time.
Children should only stay home from school if they are really too ill to attend. Children do not normally need to be at home for a common cold; stomach ache; headache or tiredness. If they have a contagious illness then, of course, they should not come in. Please call the school for advice if you're unsure. You can download information on common childhood illnesses in the Downloads section.
We want all children who come to our school to be successful and coming in every day, on time, will help them to achieve that success.

Key Information
Holidays in term time
Headteachers cannot grant authorised absences for holidays in term time other than in exceptional circumstances. If a parent or carer wishes to take their child on a holiday during term time they must submit an application. However, the policy at Miles Coverdale is that no holidays in term time will be authorised. If you take your child out of school for a holiday during term time there is a chance that the school may refer you to the local authority for a fixed penalty notice. Holidays should be taken during school holidays and planned so that children are back in school on the day that school re-opens.
If your child is really too ill to come to school you must contact the office by 9.00. We have a dedicated absence line which you should use to clearly record your childs details. You should contact the school every day that your child is absent. It's important that you understand that very often children can come into school unless their illness is a contagious one or they are really too ill to manage school. If your child has a long absence due to illness we might ask you to provide evidence of this through a doctor's note.
Penalty Notices
As a school we have a legal obligation to consider referring parents of children who miss 5 days of school for unauthorised reasons in a 10-week period. Fines have increased to £80.00 per parent per child rising to £160.00 if not paid within 21 days. If a second fine is issued no early payment discount will be applied.
Whilst it is imperative that your child is at school on time you should not be leaving them unattended before 8.45. If a child comes to school before 8.45, alone, the school staff will take care of the child at breakfast club. The parent/carer will then be charged the daily fee of £3.00 irrespective of how long the child attends for and whether or not he or she has breakfast.