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Miles Coverdale Attendance 2022-2023

  • Overall attendance for 2022-2023 was 92.8%, above national average
  • Overall unauthorised absences was 1.5%
  • The class with the highest attendance in 2022-2023 was Year 2
  • The house with the highest attendance in 2022-2023 was Equality

Summer Term 22-23

Overall attendane in the summer term was 91.12% which is lower than the spring and autumn terms.

The class with the highest attendance in the summer term was Year 2 at 94.4%

Year 1:  88%

Year 2:  94.4% yesyes

Year 3:  91.9%

Year 4:  92.9%

Year 5:  93.2%

Year 6:  88.5%

Resource Base:  94%

Equality House had the highest attendance in the summer term at 92.6%

Spring Term 22-23

Overall attendance in the spring term was 93.16% which is slightly lower than the autumn term, but we did see an outbreak of chickenpox.  1% of the absences were not authorised.  It is important that you call school before 09:00 if your child is too unwell to come to school.  Where parents don't contact the school your child's absence will show as unauthorised.

The class with the best attendance in the spring term was Year 2 with an overall attendance of 92.5%.

  • Year 1:  91.5%
  • Year 2:  95.2%  yesyes
  • Year 3:  94%
  • Year 4:  94.9%
  • Year 5:  91.2%
  • Year 6:  94.4%

Liberty House had the highest attendance in the spring term at 94.3%

Autumn Term 22-23

The overall attendance in the autumn term was 93.24%.  Almost 2% of absences in autumn were not authorised by the school.  It is vital that parents communicate with the school if their child is too sick to come in.  If we do not hear from parents/carers the absence will be unauthorised.

  • Year 1:  90.93%
  • Year 2:  94.51%
  • Year 3:  94.12%
  • Year 4:  94.34%
  • Year 5:  95.70%  yesyes
  • Year 6:  91.83%
  • Resource Base:  94.36%
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