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Attendance in 2024-2025 - the year of change

punctuality counts

Our commitment to attendance

On 19th August 2024 important changes were made to attendance in England as the government pledges to do more to make sure children come to school regularly and on time.  We continue to work with parents to make sure their children are here on time every day and to make sure parents and children understand how important it is for them. 

Each week we will upload the attendance newsletter below showing data for each class and house.

HeaderWEEK 2: 9TH-13TH SEPTEMBER 2024

Reception 95.3%
Year 1 94.1
Year 2 95.6%
Year 3 91.8%
Year 4 95.7%
Year 5 97.5%  yes
Year 6 96.7%
All Classes 95.2%
Statutory School Age 95.2%
House Unity 97%



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