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National Support School Information

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Designated Leaders

National Leader of Education
Our Headteacher, Taranum Baig is an accredited National Leader of Education and experienced headteacher of a National Support School with 22 years of teaching and leadership roles in inner city/urban schools. She has an extensive track record of supporting school improvement at local, national and international levels for schools and government officials. Leadership roles have included analysis of standards and achievements in learning and teaching across the curriculum including in the EYFS, equal opportunities (SEND and EAL- experience of leading mainstream schools with SEN units), strategic development of senior and middle leaders and performance management.

Specialist Leader of Education
Our Head of School Business, Caroline Collins, is a Specialist Leader of Education for school business management.  She has more than 15 years of non-teaching educational leadership experience working in both advisory roles for governors and within school business management.

Support By



  • Coaching and mentoring new Headteachers
  • Standards in achievement and teaching and learning
  • Strategic direction for SLT/Middle Leaders
  • Assessment




£400.00 for a full day

£250.00 for half a day

Senior Leadership Team members

  • Coaching and mentoring SLT/Middle Leaders
  • Literacy & Maths - standards in achievement T&L
  • SEN
  • School Business Leadership & Management


£300.00 for a full day

£200.00 for half a day


Middle Leaders

  • EYFS
  • MFL

£200.00 for a full day

£100.00 for half a day

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